Not Ready for an About Page

On reading the WordPress About Page 101, I realised my lack of focus on my plans for my blog are not likely to lead to a big audience for my blog.

Imagine you were running a roadside BBQ emporium. If the sign for said emporium had pictures of yoga poses, moustaches, kittens, and hotdogs on it, you’d probably be failing to connect with your potential audience.

Translation: by trying to appeal to everyone, you’ll appeal to no-one.

But that’s okay.

  1. My plans are not going to change. I would prefer to write what I want to write and have just a few people who like my blog than limit myself and attract a teeming hoard.
  2. The exercise has given me a title for my blog : Unfocused

7 thoughts on “Not Ready for an About Page

  1. I’m pretty much the same way – I write about what I want, and don’t chase the traffic, unlike a lot of the fashion and food bloggers…


  2. I love the straightforwardness of this post and the name of your blog! I can totaly relate because my blog is pretty much for whatever thoughts/writing ideas come to mind. I don’t want to categorize it one way or another because to do that would be to limit myself. I don’t have much of an about page, and I might even keep it that way, because I want my writing to speak for itself and my readers to get to know me as they read more. Best of luck & happy blogging!


  3. Your blog is supposed to represent your wants, knowledge and desires. If you desire to write about a movie, a quote or your laundry than I say go for it. The only reason to become extremely focused on a theme, idea, or category is to eventually turn it into a commerce based blog. If your not in it at this time to start earning income from your blog then take the time to enjoy learning and expressing yourself and if or when you decide to go another route you will be ready. You are the captain of this ship!



  4. I can absolutely relate to this. Blogs have different purposes, and it is okay to just express yourself and what comes to your mind. I know that is the purpose for my blog! 😀


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